
Monday, February 19, 2007

Home Décor Ideas and Tips

It has been said that 80% of what is kept is not used but are stored just the same just in case. This is true for almost every situation whether in the office or in the home. Having said that, it will not come as a surprise that just reorganizing the home and the spaces will create a new look.
Today, spaces are more valuable. Think. Is the clutter worth as much as the space it occupies?
Home décor ideas revolve too around organization. Color, schemes, treatment, styles, they have to be organized and well knit in order to create an eye-pleasing look.

Home décor idea #1

If it is cluttering up the space throw it. if it is old, not an antique and is not a collectible item and has no use, do not keep it just in case. A cluttered space is not only unsightly, it can also add up to stress. Let the past go. Think of your home as a jewel box and you and your loved ones are the gems. If you wouldn't mix your jewelry with candy wrappers, you wouldn't want to have in your space things that have seen better days and in all probability will never again. If you are finding a hard time letting the pieces go, give it another six months, if you still haven't found a use in them, give it up. Do the same things with old clothes, shoes, magazines, outdated books, old prescriptions, empty bottles, used razors etc. And then you start giving your home a fresh new look.

Home décor idea #2

You do not have to find a decorator. Home décor ideas are within us. While gifts, talents and an eye for aesthetics may differ in degree for each of us, we all learn eventually by observing, reading, evaluating and whenever possible listen to other peoples concept and ideas. You may be surprised that once we set our minds to a particular idea, that idea could get inspired and create chains of ideas that we never knew existed. In the net are home décor stores that could offer a wide array of good home décor ideas that covers every subject and almost every art form. Join forums, visit their sites and observe and try to look for things that appeal to you personally.

Home décor idea #3

Organize your home. Home décor ideas do not have to be expensive. A nice towel rack for the bathroom, plastic tubs to hold bits and pieces of articles, a hamper, caddies, a good newspaper rack anything that will organize the rooms first.

Home décor Idea #4

When the rooms are free of clutter and are organized, you will find out a good amount of space that has been cleared up and that breathing is a little bit easier. A fresh paint on the wall will do the job but even if you think that it won't help that much at the moment, just rearranging the furniture will often do the trick. When you do that, consider the traffic in each room. Take a good hard look at the room that you want to start working and start rearranging. You could also bring items from another room and mix it with the present until you get the look that you want. Whenever possible, try playing around with the way the light illuminates the room and then place the best item/artwork on the spot to draw attention to the eye. Do the same things with other rooms in the house.

Home décor idea #5

Get a central piece for a room. A work of art, a rug, a beautifully painted vase and study the composition of color. Artworks are good home décor ideas too. You pattern the color and the scheme of the room according to that artwork and make it your central piece.

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